Missed it! It was August 1st. Wow! Three years. Must post more...must post more.
The garden is very productive right now. The biggest problem is that gophers have been doing their best to destroy plants. Well, I guess really they are sitting under the plants in their tunnels munching away. One ate four swiss chard plants before we trapped the fat little gopher. Yesterday I discovered that another gopher had destroyed my Cinderella pumpkin plant. I'm trying to keep the plant alive by putting the chewed root ball into a planter and watering a lot, but it probably won't survive.
We have several kinds of tomatoes producing very well this year: Early Girl, Carmello, Stupice, Pruden's Purple, Health Kick, I think it is called, and Thai Pink. There is also a Currant tomato plant that has lots of tiny tomatoes. We have just one eggplant, but it has four fruits on it. It is a light lavender colored eggplant. We also have beans, zucchinis and cucumbers that are producing very well.
Today I froze some tomatoes to save for the winter. First I washed them, peeled them, and now they are sitting on a cookie sheet in the freezer. When they are frozen I will place them in a freezer bag and seal them.